In a Fix—How to Generate Income Now
The trouble with fixed income, we might imagine a retired Winnie-the-Pooh saying, is that it is so very fixed. That is, until it threatens...
There’s No ‘We’ in Retirement
When one is Queen, one does not retire. In 2017, The Duke of Edinburgh announced his retirement, no doubt receiving a handsome gold watch...
How to Uncouple without Undoing Your Finances
Not every union is a match made in heaven. According to the Vanier Institute almost half of Canadian marriages (41 per cent) end in...
Pay Me Later…The Case for Defined Pension Plans
Sigmund Freud, the Viennese psychoanalyst, developed the concept of “penis envy”. He purported it to be an early stage in female psychosexual development, when...
Enough Already—When to Stop RRSP Investing
So, you’ve been diligently contributing to your RRSP for years. How do you know when it’s time to stop contributing— and what are the...
Home Alone or ‘Golden Girls’ Cohab?
It’s not every day that a person gets to interview someone like Frank Gehry, one of the world’s starchitects—a critically acclaimed architect from Toronto....
Sailing into your “Work Optional” Life
“Embarking on a financial plan is like sailing around the world. The voyage won’t always go to plan, and there’ll be rough seas. But...
Create Your Personal Pension Plan
Ah, retirement! Finally, we can live exactly the way we want to. In my case, that’s learning to cook international cuisines, dancing with Javier...
Self-Employed? Here’s How to Fund Your Retirement
The good news is over 1 million, or 12% of Canadian working women, are self-employed. This can mean more independence and financial rewards for...