Helen Burnett-Nichols
Hey Boss – Four Pillars of a Successful Start-Up
So, you’ve got a fantastic new idea and ready to show it to the world. Could 2020 be the year you join the ranks...
Many Happy Returns – How to Beat the Taxman
It’s tax season again and, as with every year, there are changes. Here are a few new developments that may be worth taking advantage...
Born to Party! Expert Tips on Smart Event Spending
It’s that holiday time of year! The stores (and Instagram and Pinterest…) are full of gorgeous décor, beautiful catering ideas and the latest drink...
Escape Plan: Why Women-Only Travel is the Ticket
As two-thirds of the travelling population, women also call the vast majority of the shots when it comes to vacation decisions and purchases for...
Safe, Not Sorry. How Much Insurance Do You Really Need?
There are only a few certainties in life — and most people can count on purchasing insurance as one of them. But with so...
Enough Already—When to Stop RRSP Investing
So, you’ve been diligently contributing to your RRSP for years. How do you know when it’s time to stop contributing— and what are the...
Book Value: How to Raise Your Financial IQ
When it comes to boosting your financial knowledge, the list of topics is endless — but before hitting the expert-level on the latest investment...
Should You Buy a Vacation Property? Part Two
The benefits of owning a recreational property are obvious when you imagine spending the day on the water or ski hill, or even enjoying...
Should You Buy a Vacation Property? Part One
For many prospective buyers, a recreational property represents an escape hatch from city life, a place to enjoy weekends and vacations with family and...